Monday, March 23, 2009

Healthcare in urban India

Behaviors between middle- and upper-class citizens from the four largest metros in India - Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, and Mumbai - appear to vary widely. In general, those in Chennai appear to be more “westernized” in their attitude towards medical treatment, i.e. they are least likely to cite a chemist/pharmacist or the Internet as the source most frequently used to obtain health-related information, and are most likely to cite allopathy while least likely to cite homeopathy as their preferred system of medical treatment. Those in Kolkata appear to have a strong relationship with their healthcare provider but are generally more traditional in their attitudes towards medical treatment. Those in Delhi are most likely to have a positive view of medical care in India but also tend to be more traditional in their attitudes towards medical treatment. Finally, those in Mumbai are most likely to have a negative view on healthcare in India and also appear to have a weak relationship with their healthcare providers.

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